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Support Group Session

Our Services

You have been ROCKED to your core by loss. You just can’t shake the feelings of defeat, despair and heartache. You never thought you would feel this way. You’re having a hard time completing simple daily tasks. You want to feel better, accomplished, and able to take one step forward despite your grief. You’re ready to embrace your journey and resume productivity. Together, with my powerful guidance towards grief acceptance and healing, along with your willingness to do your inner work, you can begin to move from the overwhelming feelings of anger, bitterness, depression, guilt, or shame and move forward towards a life of acceptance, and healing. It’s time to embrace the journey and release the pain.

Get the Private and Confidential Coaching You Need to Embrace Your Journey!

Here are some of the outcomes you can expect from our work together:

Emotional Support 
Offering a safe space to express/process your emotions.

Understanding of the Grieving Process 
Understanding the common stages and identify where you are on your grief journey.

Coping Strategies 
Learn and develop coping strategies to manage the emotional/practical challenges of grief. 

Goal Setting for Healing 
Collaboratively set realistic and achievable goals for healing and moving forward. 

Exploring Meaning & P
Involve exploring questions in the face of loss. 

Facilitate Growth

Encourage self-discovery and personal growth; opportunity for transformation and growth. 

Promoting Well-Being
Introduce and learn mindfulness practices and self-care techniques to enhance emotional well-being.

Building a Support System
ssistance in identifying & strengthening support networks, including friends, family, and community resources. 



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